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Launch Your Authority with a Mini Book

Join the

mini book

... Launch


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Discover how mini books can help you ​establish credibility, attract readers, and ​grow your business... all without the fluff!

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Glowing Pink Neon Line Light

DATE: 7pm 10/28/24


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Monday Oct 28th 2024

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8pm (EST)

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Virtual Event

(Link Provided Upon ​Registration)

What You’ll Learn at ​Mini Book... Launch

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Hand with 3D Starts

Join us for an evening of insights and ​strategies to elevate your authority ​and grow your business with mini books

  • How to Craft a Compelling Mini Book: Learn the secrets to ​creating a mini book that captivates readers and establishes your ​authority.
  • Leveraging Mini Books for Business Growth: Discover how mini ​books can attract your ideal clients and grow your business.
  • Real-World Examples: See how successful authors have used ​mini books to make a lasting impact and achieve their goals.
  • Avoiding Common Mistakes: Uncover the #1 mistake to avoid ​when writing and marketing your mini book.


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Speaker 1: Chris Stanley​

16x Amazon Best Seller, Founder of Mini Book ​Publishing

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How to Write a Book in a ​Fraction of the Time

(and Still Dominate Your Niche)

Speaker 2: J.R. Heimbigner​

12x Amazon #1 Best-seller Author​,

The Minimalist Auth​o​r

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How You’re Already Halfway ​Done with Your Book

(and Don’t Even Know It)

Speaker 3: Jamie Northrup​

The Minimalist Hustler, Helping People Earn ​Online on Their Terms

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How to Build Authority ​Without a Big Following

Why Attend mini book... launch?

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Unlock the Power of Mini Books to

Dominate Your Niche and Grow Your Business

Here’s what you’ll get by attending the Mini Book Launch Event:

Exclusive Strategies: Get exclusive insights from top mini book authors on crafting, publishing, and marketing ​mini books that drive results.

Step-by-Step Guidance: Learn the proven framework to take your book from idea to bestseller status, step-by-​step.

Live Q&A: Get personalized advice during our live Q&A with experienced mini book authors and coaches.

Special Bonuses: Receive exclusive templates, checklists, and guides to kickstart your mini book journey.

Networking Opportunities: Connect with like-minded authors and entrepreneurs who are using mini books to amplify their ​influence.

Special Announcement & Guest Appearances: Be the first to hear an exclusive announcement that could change the way ​you think about mini books forever. Plus, you may have the chance to see some surprise appearances from notable mini ​book authors, sharing their insights and experiences. Whether they join live or send a special message, you won't want to ​miss this unique opportunity to hear from the best in the industry.

“I've built my business to $800k/yr on the back of mini books, and ​I'm excited to share how you can do the same.” - Chris Stanley

How It Works

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  1. Register for Free

Sign up now to reserve your ​spot for this one-of-a-kind ​event. It's completely free, but ​seats are limited.

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2. Join Us Live

Show up live on Monday, ​October 28th, at 7 PM EST to ​learn exclusive strategies from ​top mini book authors and get ​your questions answered in ​real time.

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3. Find Your Path

to Impact

Leave with actionable ​insights, a clear direction for ​your author journey, and a ​proven framework to elevate ​your authority, grow your ​business, and create lasting ​impact—all without the fluff.